Plastics for Games Ltd Unsere Produckte
Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply.
Wir akzeptieren Mengenbestellungen sowie Handeslaufträge.
Mindestbestellwert : 750.00 €
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Blankowürfel 8mm, transparent transparent_cubes 0.5 Gms
EDELSTEINE 10mm Funkelnde Transparente  Edelsteine 0.4 Gms
HALMAKEGEL 12/24mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 0.7 Gms
KEGEL 13/30mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 2.0 Gms
i KEGEL Viereckig 9.5/20mm 1.2 Gms
PYRAMIDE 15mm quadratisch x Höhe 20mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.0 Gms
PYRAMIDE 20mm quadratisch x Höhe 30mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.1 Gms
HÜTCHEN Durchm. 15mm x Höhe 35mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.1 Gms
RAUTE 37mm x 12mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.3 Gms
Nur solange der Vorrat reicht
Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 0.7 Gms
STEHCHIP 45mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 7.8 Gms
ZYLINDER (hohl) Durchm. 11mm x 13mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 0.5 Gms
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ZYLINDER (massiv) Durchm. 10mm x 14mm
Nur solange der Vorrat reicht
Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.4 Gms
KLÖTZCHEN Viereckig 13mm x 18mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 0.9 Gms
HALBKEGEL Durchm. 17mm (hohl) Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.2 Gms
HALBKEGEL Durchm. 17mm (massiv)
Nur solange der Vorrat reicht
Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 2.0 Gms
TETRAEDER 20mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.5 Gms
HAUS Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 0.5 Gms
HOTEL Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.1 Gms
FLUGZEUG Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 0.9 Gms
AUTO 25mm x 13mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.1 Gms
RENNAUTO 26mm x 14mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.4 Gms
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RENNAUTO 21mm x 13mm
Nur solange der Vorrat reicht
Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.2 Gms
NEUE RADFAHRER 36mm x 43mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.5 Gms
RADFAHRER 30mm x 11mm
Nur solange der Vorrat reicht
Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 0.8 Gms
Nur solange der Vorrat reicht
Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 0.7 Gms
SEGELBOOT 25mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.1 Gms
SCHLEPPSCIFF 25mm x 11mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 0.8 Gms
Nur solange der Vorrat reicht
Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 3.3 Gms
FUßBALLFIGUR 20mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 3.0 Gms
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GOLFBALL 20mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 3.0 Gms
FÄHNCHEN Zweiteilig 43mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 0.9 Gms
WEINFLASCHE 35mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.6 Gms
GEHIRN Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 2.5 Gms
GANS 28mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 0.6 Gms
Nur solange der Vorrat reicht
Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 1.1 Gms
EURO 2.1 Gms
FRAGEZEICHEN 34mm Plastics for Games Ltd, Plastic Dice, Counters and Boardgame Components design,  manufacture and supply. 2.2 Gms
Warning: Choking Hazard!! Achtung! Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren wegen Erstickungsgefahr durch Kleinteile. Die Endverpackung muß mit einem Warnungsteikett versehen werden.

Plastic Boardgame Pieces Plastic Boardgame Pieces Our Standard Range of Colours Weitere Teile

Verkaufs-und Lieferbedingungen - Hinweise zu den Produkten - Europäische Verordnung 2009/49EC
Die größte Auswahl an Spielzubehör, speziell für Brett- und Lernspiele entwickelt.
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